- Age: Baby should be 5-6 months old. Before 5 months of age weaning is not recommended by doctors because of choking hazards and allergy issues. Ideal age to start solid is 6 months old.
- 3 day rule: Whenever you give any food to your baby check him/her for 3 days before giving any new food. It will help you in finding if your baby shows allergic reaction to any of the food. Allergic reaction can be severe cough, vomiting or rashes on the body.
- Semi-liquid food: During early days of weaning your baby food must be in liquid form like puree. You can boil any fruit vegetable or legume and then mash it to form creamy paste or liquid. As your baby’s little tummy is capable of digesting milk only, so when you start solid it must also be in soft runny state for easy digestion and absorption of food.
- Timing of feeding: This thing matters most because all your efforts will be in vain if you choose wrong meal time for your little one. When baby woke up from a lengthy sleep you can give water or milk because they might be feeling thirsty then after burping wait for 20-30 minutes and give solid food. If your little one wakes up after a small nap then you can introduce food immediately. Moreover, if baby is teething or having any other discomfort first try to calm down your baby then give food. Try to avoid using mobile phone or TV during feeding.
- Healthy food healthy baby: First of all healthy doesn’t mean FAT baby. A healthy baby is an active baby who is achieving developmental milestones properly. Always give fresh food ( try to avoid packed, frozen and leftover food for babies). Water shouldn’t be given before 6 months of age but after 6 months water should be introduced. Don’t give honey, cow milk, sugar salt, spices and raw egg before the age of 1 year.

5 tips to start solids in Babies
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