Developmental milestones (month by month) in infants

AgeMotor developmentSensory developmentSpeechFeeding and daily routineSocial development
1 monthFlexion in prone position
Turn head to one side
Can see upto 12 inches.
 Cry is the only source of communication feeding after every 2 hours. Meconium black poop during early days  makes bond with primary care giver
2 monthsMove head towards moving object. observe surroundings Starts smiling Feeding milk breast/formula after ever 2-3 hours smile at care givers
3 months head lift to 90 degree.
Rolling prone to supine
 explore environment Rhythmic cry Feeding milk breast/formula after ever 2-3 hours likes physical touch and talking
4 months Roll supine to prone
Hold rattles
 Search with eyes Starts babbling Feeding milk breast/formula after ever 2-3 hours 
5 months Sitting supported
Play with feet
 Put things in mouth and explore with hands laugh and look for a response   
6 months Sitting unsupported Play with food Object performance starts solid like to communicate
7 months Try to reach toys by turning, rolloing and begin to crawl Spends more time in exploring the environment Seek attention sippy cup Separation anxiety
8 months Starts Crawling Reach the toys by crawling syllables like MAMAMA finger food 
9 months Standing with support hearing, eye sight is fully developed  use non-verbal strategies to communicate Drooling 
10 months Standing and starts taking steps with support Fully alert of the environment
 recognize faces
speech is developing Bite and chewing 
11 months Stand independently Stranger anxiety babbles more and more  stranger anxiety
12 months Walk independently Likes secure environment command follow  






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