Category: Health

  • Tips to make breast Feeding easier!

    Tips to make breast Feeding easier!

    It is always a mother’s choice how she feeds her baby, whether she is using formula milk or breastfeeding, as both have pros and cons. However, breastfeeding is a natural process and has its own advantages. It is even prescribed by doctors to breastfeed your child unless there is a medical condition that prevents it.…

  • 5 easy ways to start toilet training in toddlers

    5 easy ways to start toilet training in toddlers

    After the newborn phase, parents often begin thinking about toilet training to help their little ones become more independent. However, there are some helpful tips that can make this journey easier for both parents and children. Appropriate Age: Age plays a crucial role in toilet training. If you start too early, the child may get…

  • 5 tips to start solids in Babies

    5 tips to start solids in Babies

    Age: Baby should be 5-6 months old. Before 5 months of age weaning is not recommended by doctors because of choking hazards and allergy issues. Ideal age to start solid is 6 months old. 3 day rule: Whenever you give any food to your baby check him/her for 3 days before giving any new food.…

  • Developmental milestones (month by month) in infants

    Developmental milestones (month by month) in infants

    Age Motor development Sensory development Speech Feeding and daily routine Social development 1 month Flexion in prone position Turn head to one side Can see upto 12 inches.  Cry is the only source of communication  feeding after every 2 hours. Meconium black poop during early days  makes bond with primary care giver 2 months Move…

  • Giving Honey to Babies

    Giving Honey to Babies

    Hey are you giving honey to your newborn? What is tahnik? What should be the first thing to introduce in newborns? Are you sure that honey safe? Does honey have any bad effects on your little one’s tummy? Traditional use of honey:People have been giving honey to the newborns and babies (under the age of…

  • Post Partum Depression

    Post Partum Depression

    What’s the postpartum depression and how long it will lasts? How prevalent the depression is and how it can affect both partners? What are the sign and symptoms? How to deal with postpartum depression and when to consult with doctor? General information about postpartum depression: Depression cannot be ignored and it shouldn’t be ignored. First…

  • Exercise program for babies

    Exercise program for babies