Tips to make breast Feeding easier!

It is always a mother’s choice how she feeds her baby, whether she is using formula milk or breastfeeding, as both have pros and cons. However, breastfeeding is a natural process and has its own advantages. It is even prescribed by doctors to breastfeed your child unless there is a medical condition that prevents it. To make this journey easier and happier, here are some tips:

  • Fluids, Diet, and Multivitamins: Drink plenty of water and fluids to stay hydrated, even during the winter. You can include milk in your diet and consume a protein-rich diet with foods like eggs, liver, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. If your calcium and iron levels are low or borderline, consider taking multivitamins to support your breastfeeding.
  • Natural Remedies: Certain herbs, such as fenugreek, fennel seeds, and garlic, may help increase milk supply. Additionally, try to breastfeed your baby more frequently—at least 8-10 times within a 24-hour period, starting from the early days.
  • Baby Positioning: Proper baby positioning and latching are essential for a comfortable feeding session. You can use a feeding pillow and ensure your baby’s head is slightly elevated. Be sure your baby’s nose remains clear and unobstructed.
  • In Case of Soreness: Breast soreness is common in the early days of breastfeeding, particularly when milk supply is still establishing and the mother is recovering from childbirth. However, continuing to breastfeed is the best remedy. It will not only help alleviate soreness but also increase milk production.
  • Start from the First Day: If you want to successfully breastfeed, start on the very first day. The initial milk, known as colostrum, is clear and nutrient-rich. Don’t worry about the quantity of milk or whether your baby’s tummy is full—remember, the more you breastfeed, the more your milk supply will increase. Just stay hydrated and continue breastfeeding.

The above-mentioned techniques are natural ways to help; however, you can also use breast pumps, bottle warmers, and pillows for more comfortable breastfeeding.






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