Cow milk is a natural product which has so many health benefits. It’s not only good for young people but also for elder people. People are using it in different ways. But when it comes to introducing anything to your newborn, you must be very cautious. Babies of age less than 1 year shouldn’t be given any thing without proper research because they have weak immune system so they cannot absorb all the things. In this article you will understand the following points:
- Why shouldn’t we give cow milk to our babies before the age of 1 year?
- When and how should we start giving fresh milk or cow milk to our babies?
- What are the health benefits of giving cow milk to babies?
Side effects of giving cow milk:
According to a research published in NIH cow milk can produce following side effects in newborns or babies of less than 1 year of age:
- Cow milk contains less quantity of iron. So, it not provides enough iron for the growth and development of babies.
- Cow milk contains high levels of calcium and casein more than your baby’s requirement. This results an increase in urination and loss of water which cause dehydration in babies.
- In another research, it is stated that giving cow milk to babies of age less than 1 year can cause diabetes type 1.
- Casein found in cow’s milk is carcinogenic in nature which means that it may increase the chance of developing cancer at early stage of life.
- Cow milk also cause constipation in babies.
Precautions while giving cow milk:
Cow milk is full of nutrition but it may cause some side effects. So, through proper guidelines and precautions you can minimize the side effects and enjoy its benefits. Here are some tips:
- According to American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) your baby should get 18 ounces of milk per day after the age of 1 year.
- Introduce cow milk in babies after the age of 1 year.
- Mix cow milk (1/4) with formula milk/ breast milk (3/4) and give it to your baby.
- Properly boiled milk should be used.
- Check for any allergy reaction. Give your baby small amount of milk and then wait for 3-4 days. Don’t give ay new thing to your baby. Then after 3-4 days check any signs of allergy.
- Always introduce new things to your baby in small amount.
- You can add milk in cereals. And give yogurt and cheese to your baby to fulfill his/ her daily dairy requirements.

Health benefits of cow milk:
- It is full of nutrients like calcium and vitamin D which helps in growth and development. It makes the bones strong.
- It also contains abundant proteins which are essential for the babies of age 1 year and above.
- Cow milk helps in regulation of blood pressure and keeps the heart healthy.

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