Exercise program for babies

Exercise program for babies

ExercisesVisual presentationDescriptionTime periodAdvantagePrecautions
Tummy time
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

  • Place the baby in prone position.

  • Place pillow or cushion under the chest of baby.

-After birth – 6/8 months of age.

-10-15 minutes per session.

-4-5 times a day.
-Helps in developing neck control.

-Brings spine stability.

-Relieves colic pain.
-Check baby’s breathing constantly

-And never leave the baby alone in prone position.

-Don’t do this exercise immediately after feeding.
Bridging exercise
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels
-Baby in supine position.

-You have to lift the hips of the baby just like in the picture.
-Birth – 8 months.

-10-15 repetitions per session.

-4-5 times a day.
-Brings strength in muscles of back, hips and abdominal.-Don’t do this exercise immediately after feeding.
Abdominal co-activation
Photo by nappy from Pexels
-Baby in supine lying.

-Pull the baby in sitting position by holding the hands of the baby just like in the picture.
-3 months – 8 months.

-5-6 times a day.
-Makes the abdominals strong.

-It helps in maintaining the sitting posture in baby.
-Don’t over do it.

-As baby has weak joints so carefully hold the hands of the baby.
Supported sitting exercise
Photo by nappy from Pexels
-Place the baby in sitting position.

-Use pillows or your lap for baby’s support.
-5 months – 7 months ( until baby starts independent sitting).

-15 – 20 minutes per session.

-4-5 times a day.
-Helps in sitting.-Carefully observe the baby.

-Never leave the baby alone in this position if baby has not developed the sitting control.
Cycling exercisePhoto by Element5 Digital from Pexels
Photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels
-Baby in supine position.

-Move the baby’s legs in alternating manner just like cycling which is show in the picture.
-Birth – 8 months

-20-30 times per session.

-4-5 times a day.
-Improve blood circulation in legs.

-Strengthen the legs muscles.

-Relieves colic pain.
-Slowly perform this exercise.

-Don’t over do this.
Rolling exercise
Photo by Ignacio Campo on Unsplash
-Baby in supine position.
-Fold the legs of the baby towards his/her stomach.
-Now turn the folded legs to one side of the body.

-Assist your baby in turning the trunk to the same side.
-Rotate the neck to same side.
-Now baby is in side lying position.
-2 months – 8 months

-4-5 times per session.

-4-5 times a day.
-Strengthen the muscles of back, legs and upper body.-If baby is too small then look to neck to avoid twisting.
Reaching exercise
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels
-Baby in crawling/prone position.

-Place some bright toys in front (or on the sides) of the baby.
-1 month – 12 months.

-15-20 minutes per session.

-4-5 times a day.
-Brings eye hand and head co-ordination.

-Helps baby to begin crawling.
-If baby is too young kindly check their breathing.

-All the toys must be clean as baby puts every thing in mouth.
Focusing exercise
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels
-Baby in supine position.

-Hang some bright toys above the chest of baby.

-You can use playing mat.
-Newborn – 8 months.

-15-20 minutes per session.

-4-5 times a day.
-Helps in focusing the eyes.

-Mental development as baby wants to explore the environment.
-Don’t hang any heavy, sharp or dangerous thing above your baby.
Static standing exercise

Photo by Keira Burton from Pexels
-Stand the baby with the support of a standing stand, bed, sofa or chair.-7 – 12 months

-5-10 minutes per session

-4-5 times a day
-Bring coordination in babies.-Never leave your baby alone if he/she is under 10 months of age.
Climbing exercise
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels
-Stand the baby with the support of a sofa or bed.

-Slightly push the babies hips to help him in climbing the bed or sofa.
-7 months – 12 months

-5-10 times per session

-4-5 times a day
-Brings strength in legs and trunk of the baby.

-Bring coordination in babies.
-Never let your baby to climb tables or any sharp surfaces.
Supported walking exercise
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
-Hold your baby from hands, chest (preferably) or abdomen and help him/her in taking steps.

-Gradually your baby starts walking with the help of furniture.
-8 months – 12 months

-5-10 times per session

-4-5 times a day
-Helps in developing control to start walking.-Carefully observe the baby legs and feet to avoid twisting.

-Never pull your baby from wrist or shoulder as baby has weak joints.
Balancing exercise
Photo by Lena Helfinger from Pexels
-Stand the baby with support provided by both hand.

-Then gradually free one of your baby’s hand and provide support only from one hand.

-Then spread your baby’s arm to make him stand independently.
-10 – 12 months

-5-10 minutes per session

-4-5 times a day
-Helps in developing control to start walking.-Carefully observe the baby legs and feet to avoid twisting.

-Never pull your baby from wrist or shoulder as baby has weak joints.
Hand to hand coordination exercise
Photo by Lena Helfinger from Pexels
-Place some blocks in front of your baby.

-Ask the baby to place one block on another block.

-Or to put the blocks in a jar.
-4 months – 24 months

-5-10 times per session

-4-5 times a day
-It develops coordination in hands.-Never use small or sharp blocks for young babies.
Fine motor exercises
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
-Give your baby some crayon colors and a paper.

-Allow him to draw something on it.
-12 months – 3 years

-5-10 minutes per session

-4-5 times a day
-It develops fine motor skills in babies like writing, eating etc.-Never use small or sharp pointed colors for young babies.
Different sounds practice
Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash
-Produce different sounds in front of your baby and associate a fix gesture with it.

-Example with phone ring put your hands on ear and say hello.
-4 months – 24 months

-5-10 times per session

-4-5 times a day
-It helps baby in communication and how to react in different situations.-Never use too sharp, loud or dull sound.
Face mimicking exercise
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
-Sit in front of your baby.

-Make some face expressions or
produce sounds which makes your baby laugh.

-Then he/she will start coping you.
-4 months – 24 months

-5-10 times per session

-4-5 times a day
-It helps baby in communication and how to react in different situations.-Don’t over do it.
Speech exercises
Photo by Edward Eyer from Pexels
-Sit in front of your baby.

-You can use a red lipstick to bring your baby’s attention.

-Produce some sound like MAMA BABA DADA

-Then he/she will start coping you.
-4 months – 24 months

-5-10 times per session

-4-5 times a day
-It helps baby in communication.-Don’t make complex sounds.
Mental development exercise
Photo by Gabby K from Pexels
-Play peek a boo, hide & seek, jumping, football, putting all the balls in the jar, sit and and other creative games with your baby.-4 months – 24 months

-5-10 times per session

-4-5 times a day
-These games or exercises have multiple positive effects on muscular system, joints, brain, breathing, circulation and digestion.-Don’t over do it.






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