Month: March 2021

  • Exercise program for babies

    Exercise program for babies

  • Colic in Babies

    Colic in Babies

    Colic pain: Colic pain is an intense cramp like feeling in abdomen which goes and comes in the form of episodes. It may affect babies and adults. In babies it is the most common pain. According to a research colic pain can affect 5-40% of the newborns. It usually starts at the age of 3…

  • Cow milk in babies

    Cow milk in babies

    Cow milk is a natural product which has so many health benefits. It’s not only good for young people but also for elder people. People are using it in different ways. But when it comes to introducing anything to your newborn, you must be very cautious. Babies of age less than 1 year shouldn’t be…

  • Egg yolk in babies

    Egg yolk in babies

    c+ Giving egg to babies: Some people give egg yolk or egg white to babies or even to the newborns. But this approach is not good. As recent researches have shown that you shouldn’t give any thing to your baby until the age of 6 months. Even don’t give water or honey to your little…